About me


Em Alatriste; Publirrelacionista, Especialista en: Comunicación Social, Imagen Pública, Protocolo, Personal Shopper. Amante de la vida, con visión vanguardista, y observadora permanente de lo que acontece.

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Coldplay – Clocks! Amazing inspiration!

I love being a web designer and I’m incredibly thankful that I decided to join this industry many years ago. Still, despite my love of this profession, there have been a number of times during my career when my passion has waned and I’ve found myself simply going through the motions instead of fully applying myself to my work. This scenario is likely familiar to many of my fellow web designers. It is called burnout.

Burnout is a very real challenge that we face as web professionals. The same processes that help us complete projects successfully can also contribute to us falling into a routine and hitting autopilot on our work. Sometimes,

an overload of work can force you to fall into a routine and become a production line

in order to meet deadlines. Other times, a lack of variety and excitement can lead to apathy with burnout not far behind.

Whenever I have started to experience burnout in my career, thankfully I have recognized the situation and been able to work to resolve the problem. In this article, I will share some of what I have found helpful in rekindling my passion for web design.

Em Alatriste
Inició siendo parte de la prensa diplomática de las embajadas con misión en México. Ha entrevistado a presidentes de diversas naciones, y personajes de talla mundial de muy diversos ámbitos, siempre manteniendo su sello personal y positivo. Fundó hace doce años Luxury Style Central, con gran éxito, y reconocimiento de las embajadas y marcas de lujo, con las que también colabora, en el área de Relaciones Publicas desde 2010. Se considera amante de la vida, y su tiempo libre lo dedica al activismo. Defensora férrea de los Derechos de los Animales.